N Compound. Compound definition is to put together parts so as to form a whole. Compound definition composed of two or more parts elements or ingredients.

Soap is a compound substance. Substances in which this group is attached to an oxygen atom are called nitrites that is esters of nitrous acid. The difference between these reactions is in the reduction rates associated with the acidity of the solution.
The difference between these reactions is in the reduction rates associated with the acidity of the solution.
Soap is a compound substance. Nitroso compound any of a class of organic compounds having molecular structures in which the nitroso group n o is attached to a carbon or nitrogen atom. Substances in which this group is attached to an oxygen atom are called nitrites that is esters of nitrous acid. Thus ce n aryl substituted azanols can be obtained directly from the corresponding nitro compounds with zinc and ammonium chloride solution.